What is Arts Award? video
Please talk to Celia or Henrietta about taking the Arts Awards with Henhouse
Arts Award is...
• a great way for children and young people to be inspired by and enjoy the arts
• offered at five levels, four accredited and one introductory award
• a framework for learning new skills and sharing them
• an opportunity to develop creativity and leadership skills
• a link between young people and creative arts professionals
DISCOVER - is the introductory award open to children and young people aged from 5 up to 25.
This award provides a great introduction to the arts and to other Arts Award levels. To achieve Discover, children and young people discover the arts around them, find out about artists and their work and share their experiences with others, gaining a certificate at the end. Arts Award Discover will usually take about 20 hours to complete.
EXPLORE - This award is accredited as an Entry Level 3 qualification. It is the perfect stepping stone from our introductory award, Arts Award Discover, to the Level 1 qualification, Bronze Arts Award.
Anyone aged up to 25 can take part in Arts Award. Arts Award Explore is designed for ages 7 plus. Young people collect their arts experiences in an Explore arts log as they go along, recording what they find and enjoy. Arts Award Explore will usually take about 25 hours to complete.
BRONZE - To achieve Bronze, a Level 1 national qualification, young people take part in an arts activity they enjoy, go to an arts event, research their arts hero/heroine and share their skills with others. Bronze is available to young people aged 11 to 25.
Young people need to plan their work with an adviser, and keep a record by creating their own Arts Award portfolio. Their portfolio might be a folder, sketchbook, video diary or a website – it’s up to them. There are no entry requirements or set time limit for completing Bronze Arts Award. Bronze will usually take young people about 40 hours to complete.
SILVER - Silver Arts Award, a Level 2 qualification, has two units – Unit 1: arts practice and Unit 2: arts leadership. Doing Silver involves achieving an arts challenge, reviewing arts events, researching artists and arts organisations, and delivering an arts leadership project with other people.
Young people need to plan their work with an adviser and keep a record by creating their own Arts Award portfolio. Young people can pick their own style of portfolio – this could be a diary, video, website blog – or something different altogether. Silver has been designed for young people aged 14 to 25. There are no entry requirements or set time limit for completing Silver Arts Award. It will take young people around 60 hours to complete their Silver award.
Please talk to Celia or Henrietta about taking the Arts Awards with Henhouse